Policy Statement
Indiana University seeks to generate revenue from Bloomington Campus Bus Service through the sale of advertising space outside and inside University-owned buses. Advertising will be accepted that promotes either a commercial transaction for goods or services, or a forthcoming and scheduled University-sponsored event. All advertising will be subject to uniform, viewpoint-neutral advertising standards.
University Advertising: Indiana University units and registered student organizations may purchase advertising for products and services offered by those units or organizations, or for a forthcoming and scheduled event sponsored by the University or a registered student organization (“University Advertising”). The University reserves the right to give preferential acceptance, placement and rates to University Advertising.
University Public Service Announcements: Public service announcements may be purchased and placed on university-owned buses by Indiana University units. Public service announcements contain information for the university community on issues such as health or safety.
Third-party Advertising: External entities may purchase advertising, the primary purpose of which is to promote a commercial transaction.
Indiana University Unit: a campus, school, department, office, or center, of, or within, Indiana University. Student organizations are not included in the definition of an Indiana University unit.
The following advertising will not be accepted for display on campus buses, irrespective of whether it is University or Third-Party Advertising:
- Advertising that relates to religion;
- Advertising that relates to political campaigns, issue or candidate advocacy, or other public policy issues or public service announcements, with the limited exceptions of advertising related to student government campaigns at Indiana University and University Public Service Announcements;
- Advertising that promotes the sale or use of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms;
- Advertising that offers or reasonably appears to offer, promotes, or encourages unlawful conduct, or the use or possession of unlawful goods or services;
- Advertising that contains any material that is false, misleading or deceptive; or
- Advertising that would violate exclusivity terms in other Indiana University contracts.